jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018

The Eternal Project: Real Scale Space Wolves

Well, motivated by Suber´s work, I´m going to whow you what I call my "Eternal Project", redoing my Space Wolves army but his time Real Scale. I´m going to talk long about the history of this project and how I have to updated another thread, this could be a good self motivation way.

Project I started years ago seeing  (and drooling) the amazing works done by Master of The Forge  (https://masteroftheforge.com/), Synapse and Doghouse (wich threads you can find in Warseer´s Hall of Heroes) and I have always updated soooooooooooooooooooo slowly that today I have completed just...the 0%. I have models assembles but absolutely nothing finished.

At the time, I faced it as much of these projects, thinking about sculpting the models almost one model at time, and I decided to start with what would be one of the main element of my army, the fourth version of Gonfrask, Wolf Lord of just another Lost Company.

To be just my first serious sculpt work isn´t too bad, the cloak was sculpted as Freakforge (I miss you mate, where the hell are you?) teach us once in one of his tutorials more than five years ago, and the head is from a model of Avatars of War. Today I would change some things...oh man...I´m starting again.

But the truth was this advanced slowly and I left it a little aside, but never stop thinking about it. Then I started to make thing with silicone molds and resin copies of diverses things, and at this moment I said to my self "and waht about sculpt some torsos and legs to make some copies?". So I went for that idea, but bit a bit...and after some time I had the next 

And some proofs of the molds (old pics)

This looks nice, now for sure I will go faster!

Still I have to work in the arms (a thing Master of the Forge does it look really easy) and this really is a one by one work, at least until a year ago the Primaris showed up, whose arms fit almost perfectly...but of course I wanted the arms to look diverse armour marks. For example, mi almost finished Grey Hunter squad have Mk VII torsos with MK IV arms, an MK IV helmet with a (insipired) MK III torso...

9 marines...I have notices TODAY! they aren´t 10...damn it, these are not even completed...

Another squad on the way are the Blood Claws, as I told you before, my compressor broke so I have been with other things and made these 7 lads (well, two of the still need some details)

Another 3 models and the pack would be done! Come on!!

Well, this is a long post, so I will save some things to future updates

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